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Publication list: https://sites.google.com/hanyang.ac.kr/asel/publication
SCI(E) - 51편
February 2024 Song, S. H., Son, D. H., Bae, B. I., Um, S. S., & Choi, C. S. (2024). Axial load behavior of CFT columns assembled with rectangular wave-shaped ribs. Structures, Vol. 61, 106027
January 2024 Son, D. H., & Choi, C. S. (2024). Shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete exterior beam column joints with various anchorage details under cyclic loading. Structures, Vol. 61, 105940
July 2023 Son, D. H., & Choi, C. S. (2023). Stiffness reduction effect of vertically divided reinforced concrete structural walls. Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 76, No.1, 107188.
June 2023 Hwangbo, D., Son, D. H., Suh, H., Sung, J., Bae, B. I., Bae, S., ... & Choi, C. S. (2023). Effect of Nanomaterials (Carbon Nanotubes, Nano-silica, Graphene Oxide) on Bond Behavior Between Concrete and Reinforcing Bars. Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol. 18, e02206.
April 2023 Seok, S., Lee, J., & Choi, C. S. (2023). A computational modeling approach for cold-formed steel bolted connections exhibiting bolt slip and bearing behavior. Structures, Vol. 53, pp. 460-473
April 2023 Jung, H.-S.; Yoo, M.; Choi, C.-S. (2023). Flexural Performance of Removable Deck Slabs with Fixing Device Details. Applied Sciences, Vol.13, No. 8,4903.
October 2022 Son, D. H., Hwangbo, D., Suh, H., Bae, B. I., Bae, S., & Choi, C. S. (2022). Mechanical properties of mortar and concrete incorporated with concentrated graphene oxide, functionalized carbon nanotube, nano silica hybrid aqueous solution. Case Studies in Construction Materials, Vol. 18, e01603.
October 2022 Kim, G. R., Suh, H. W., Cho, S. M., Im, S. M., Nezhad, E. Z., Seok, S. W., Choi, C. S., Bae, S. (2022). Synergistic strengthening mechanism of Portland cement paste reinforced by a triple hybrid of graphene oxide, functionalized carbon nanotube, and nano-silica. Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 352, 129017.
September 2022 Seok, S., Lee, J., Choi, C. S., & Hwang, S. H. (2022). A practical design of cold-formed steel bolted moment connection: Numerical investigation with an improved bolt slip-bearing model Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 62, 105345.
July 2022 Son, D.H., Bae, B. I., & Choi, C. S. (2022). Shear Strength Evaluation of Diagonally Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams with Steel Fibers. ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 119, No. 4. pp. 291-302
January 2022 Choi, C. S., Bae, B. I., Bae, S., & Son, D. H. (2022). Flexural retrofit of existing reinforced concrete structural walls with various boundary element details under cyclic loading. Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 52, 104468.
July 2021 Liu, J., Suh, H., Jee, H., Xu, J., Nezhad, E. Z., Choi, C. S., & Bae, S. (2021). Synergistic effect of carbon nanotube/TiO2 nanotube multi-scale reinforcement on the mechanical properties and hydration process of portland cement paste. Construction and Building Materials, Vol.293, 123447
July 2021 Son, D.-H.; Ahn, H.-J.; Chung, J.-H.; Bae, B.-I.; Choi, C.-S. Deflection Estimation Based on the Thermal Characteristics of Composite Deck Slabs Containing Macro-Synthetic Fibers. Materials. 2021, 14, 4052.
March 2021 Bae, B. I., Lee, M. S., Choi, C.S., Jung, H. S., & Choi, H. K. Evaluation of the Ultimate Strength of the Ultra-High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,2951.
February2021 Son, D. H., Bae, B. I., Lee, M. S., Lee, M. S., & Choi, C. S. Flexural Strength of Composite Deck Slab with Macro Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Concrete.Appl.zSci.2021, 11, 1662.
January 2021 Kim, S. Y., Cho, U. J., Chung, J. H., Bae, B. I.,& Choi, C. S. Seismic Performance of Existing RC Structure Walls Retrofitted by Wall End Plate.Sustainability2021,13, 509.
December 2020 Chung, J. H., Son, D. H., Kim, S. Y., Bae, B. I.,& Choi, C. S. (2020). Hysteretic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams According to Volume Fraction of Steel Fiber. Sustainability, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1-17
March 2019 Choi, C. S., & Bae, B. I. (2019). Effectiveness of Steel Fibers as Hoops in Exterior Beam-to-Column Joints under Cyclic Loading. ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 166, No. 2, pp. 205-220 |