Overview - Architectural Eng.
“Training hyper-connected talents who will lead innovative growth in the future”
Department of Architectural Engineering is constructing flexible and sustainable education/research/industry cooperation infrastructure with the vision of "training hyper-connected talents that will lead future innovation growth" through hyper-connected convergence education with advanced technologies of the 4th industrial revolution in the field of architectural engineering.

Educational Goals
“Training First-Mover who leads the world through hyperconnected convergence education”
Department of Architectural Engineering is setting and implementing the following educational goals and detailed plans.
● Consumer-centered education system
We are linking projects related to architectural engineering and real issues with undergraduate education and research while reorganizing the curriculum completion system specialized in each major and student's career and interest.
● Practical / Convergence Education System
Through Industry-Coupled Problem-Based Learning+ (IC-PBL+), we are proposing a creative convergence talent development education model that (1) solves practical problems reflecting the needs of industries, communities, and schools, (2) fosters professional and advanced collaborative researchers that create industry-academic results, and (3) develops undergraduates into HYPER-Leaders, a high-end workforce, by playing a role as a self-directed researcher that creates new knowledge.
수요자 중심 교육 시스템
각각의 전공 및 학생 개개인의 진로 및 관심 분야에 특화된 교과 이수체계를 개편함과 동시에 건축공학과 현실 문제와 관련된 프로젝트를 학부-대학원간 교육 및 연구와 연계하고 있습니다.
실용/융합교육 시스템
IC-PBL+(Industry-Coupled Problem-Based Learning+)을 통하여 산업체, 지역사회와 학교의 상호연계를 통해 현장의 요구를 반영한 실제적인 문제를 해결하는 창의 융합형 인재육성교육 모델을 제시하며, 산학연계 성과물을 창출하는 전문적이고 심화된 협력연구자(Co-worker)를 양성하며 학술적 연구경험을 바탕으로 새로운 지식을 창출하는 자기 주도적 연구자(Scholar)로서의 역할수행을 통해 고급 인력인 HYPER-Leader로 성장시키고자 하고 있습니다.
Research Goals
"Solving social problems using interdisciplinary boundary technology
and achieving world-class research competitiveness”
Department of Architectural Engineering intends to present social problem solution technology using various interdisciplinary boundary technologies and achieve global research competitiveness through the practical technology development process. Based on the research support system optimized for Hanyang University's practical academic style and the high research power accumulated by the Department of Architectural Engineering, the detailed future research goals of Department of Architectural Engineering have been set as follows.
● Convergence technology development
Leading promising fields of future technology through social/corporate contributing research, global problem-solving research, and industry-academic convergence research, demonstrating technologies for applying testbeds, and promoting joint research design/R&D between components.
● Hyper-Convergence Research Promotion System
Constructing convergence research groups that broke through interdisciplinary barriers, fostering convergence research projects, strengthening R&D in commercialization links, improving the research environment, establishing a consumer-centered research support system, and securing self-sustainability of research institutes.
● Achieving world-class research competetiveness
Leading research themes leading the world, strengthening quantitative and qualitative research capabilities through systematic research achievement evaluation systems, revitalizing global joint research activities and securing international patents, establishing excellent talent recruitment/support systems through research institutes, and upgrading Fellowship for graduates and researchers.
융복합 기술개발
사회/기업 기여형 연구, 글로벌 문제 해결 연구 추진, 산학연 융합 연구를 통한 미래 기술 유망 분야 선도, 테스트베드 적용 기술 실증, 구성요소 간 공동 연구 설계/R&D 추진/연구성과 창출
초융합연구 촉진 시스템
학문간 벽을 허문 융합연구집단, 융합연구프로젝트 육성, 사업화 연계의 R&D강화, 창의적 연구 및 인재 양성을 위한 연구 환경 개선, 수요자 중심의 연구 지원 체계 구축, 최신 기술 및 세계적 인재 교류 모델 형성, 신진연구인력 지원 체계 구축
세계 수준의 연구력 확보
세계를 리딩하는 선도적 연구 테마, 체계적인 연구 업적 평가 시스템을 통한 양적/질적 연구 역량 강화, 글로벌 공동연구 활성화, 국제 학술 활동 및 국제 특허 확보 활성화, 연구소를 통한 우수 인재 채용/지원시스템 구축, 대학원생/신진연구인력 Fellowship 고도화