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[Building and Environment Design Laboratory]
Advisor Professor Professor Jun-Seok Park
This laboratory conducts research on a pleasant indoor air environment in terms of the quality of life of residents living in various buildings and energy reduction in buildings as an element of eco-friendly building technology. The main research areas can be largely divided into indoor air quality (IAQ), pollutant control (Control), ventilation, building energy, and sustainable building. IAQ is conducting research on the hazards of the human body due to indoor air pollution, what is needed to improve indoor air quality, and productivity improvement according to indoor air quality, is conducting research on ways to control various pollutants generated indoors. Ventilation is conducting research on various ways to improve indoor air quality due to ventilation and reduce energy load due to ventilation, and is also conducting research on eco-friendly ventilation design measures by analyzing residents' ventilation behavior and satisfaction. Regarding building energy, we are analyzing the relationship between improving the indoor environment and energy consumption. The laboratory has a number of equipment needed to conduct related research, and also conducts numerical analysis and simulation. A total of 22 students were worked in the laboratory, and after obtaining a degree, they are engaged in research and development at related companies.
<Main Research Areas>

   * Development of indoor pollutant monitoring technology.
   * Development of indoor air quality management policy.
   * Health risk analysis of pollutants
   * Pollution status and improvement plan
   * Economic feasibility analysis of indoor air quality management
- Source Control
   * Pollutant behavior analysis
   * Filtering technology for controlling pollutants
   * Control of chemical pollutants
   * Development of a model for predicting the amount of occurrence.
- Ventilation
   * Effect of improving indoor air quality through ventilation.
   * A Study on the Selection of Appropriate Ventilation Volume
   * Development of ventilation technology to save energy.
   * Development of ventilation efficiency evaluation plan and simulation.
- Energy
   * Characteristics of energy consumption in buildings
   * Development of building energy simulation technology
   * Development of technology to reduce the load on buildings.
   * Energy consumption monitoring system analysis
- Sustainable Building
   * Evaluation of the comfort of living in eco-friendly buildings
   * Post Occupancy Evaluation
   * Development of eco-friendly building evaluation technology.